Monday, 6 July 2015

Along the Rhône

I met the Rhône at Lagnieu. Here it turns and flows towards Lyon after its zigzag northwest following its descent from Lake Geneva. The map shows the cycle path which differs in places but the sense of the river's course is conveyed well. 

Suddenly the Alps seem very close - the ridges and cliffs to the east of the river shout 'high ground'. 

I walk along the river for the best part of two days. There is always something to look at. A chateau in a still stretch in the early morning. 

A power station. 

One way of getting rid of your car.. 

They knew a hot day was coming!

The farmers watering the maize - the great drum of hose very slowly winds in, almost imperceptibly, pulling the spray on its wheels. 

And a Scarce Swallowtail (called a 'Flambé' in French) which we used to have many of in Italy. Zebra-striped wings, an almost triangular shape, and the tails sticking out the back. 'Scarce' as very unlikely to be seen in England. 


  1. It looks like you are making tremendous progress! Your blog has provided me with a source of escape from the occasional drudgery of London. Hope your feet are holding up! Peter

  2. John, we have those butterflies on our lavender in France at the moment, they almost look as if they are flying backwards! I remember having an 'I-spy' book when I was a child many moons ago and would have loved to have been able to tick the box that meant I had seen one, but I never did, maybe they were scare in England even then? Anne-from-french-class
