Sunday, 17 May 2015

Signs along the way

 The most common sign each day is the red and white paint flashes of the Grand Randonnée, thé long distance footpath - on gate or fence posts (see the last blog entry), walls, trees or large stones. They are typically frequent and well placed. But there are plenty of other signs. Here's one on the side of the track at the edge of a wood, from three years after Waterloo. Marking the boundary of someone's property perhaps?

Plenty of signs about hunting rights and fishing. I liked this one - on Fridays one can eat them but not catch them!

Then there are the 'private - keep out' signs that one gets in any country. One we saw spoke of 'danger - traps' (pièges) in a dark unspecified way. Man traps? But this one makes it very clear: anti-personnel mines if I have understood properly!

Coming down a long track to a road yesterday we found a cafe in a hamlet with this sign - no muddy boots :(  - but it was shut so our only opportunity for morning coffee had gone anyway alas..

However here's a welcome sign this evening after 16 or 17 miles on a sunny day with once more a wonderful combination of paths, tracks and lanes and fields, woods and streams. The sign of the green lion in Putanges where beer, baths, and a good dinner restores everything. 

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