Saturday, 23 May 2015

A night in the open

South-East out of Alençon there is another big forested ridge to cross - la forêt de Perseigne. Lots of evidence of recent logging, whether cleared sections or stacks of wood - oak on the left and pine on the right. 

Here's the view looking back having emerged in the late afternoon. Lots of buttercups still and the sound of turtle doves churring, rare in England now. 

There's no bed to be found so the sleeping bag comes out for the first time. A beautiful still evening, photo taken from where I stop at the side of the track. 

Too still - flies! And the clouds come over so it's too hot. But the wind picks up and the clouds roll away and by 3am there is a wonderful view of the night sky - when it's like this, sleeping out can't be better, all the stars above from the snug of one's sleeping bag. It's grey again in the morning but only a few miles down to Mamers for breakfast. The old wheat market in the square. 

Were I to stay a couple more days I could go to the trotting at the hipperdrome. 

Not bad for a town of only 5,000. And I saw at least four boulangeries around the main square. Here's the priory church down a side street with its huge porch covering double doors. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello John- just one day alone and you have already "gone bush" sleeping under the stars! I warned you would go native before the end.
    Lucky the breakfast photo showed the coffee and not the visage( I am trying to utilise my schoolgirl French)
    Caught up with Tina on Thursday after returning from Canada and accessed blog. Good photos and great commentary but thought you were avoiding the 'What I had for breakfast' type entry! luv Marian
