Monday, 25 May 2015


Yesterday I heard a nightingale for the first time and again in the afternoon and this morning. They were thick around us in our years in Italy but I have not heard one in Hampshire. Then a pair of red squirrels at the edge of a chestnut wood. Butterflies have not been in large supply other than ubiquitous Speckled Woods and the odd Brimstone and Painted Lady in the forest rides several days ago. I think this tiddler is a Small Heath. 

And larger fauna too, a few deer, lots of badger setts and these friendly faces at the side of the road - three looked very pregnant but maybe they had just been eating too much. 

Yesterday evening would have produced a good photo of a herd of cows defending a river bank as I tried to cross on stepping stones. And of a sign in English by the river saying 'crocodiles - no swimming' placed by the owner who had made a good attempt to block off the path. But I was in no mood for taking photos as it was late and I still had three miles to go to La Ferté Bernard where I had a bed for the night. As partial substitute here is a sign to a farm this morning. I think 'Fang Farm' is a rough translation, shades of Stella Gibbons. 

And another herd of cows from today's lunch spot in a field of buttercups. 

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous blog ! I discover France through your eyes and your pictures.
    Good long march John !
