Monday, 22 June 2015

Taking the waters

Bourbon-Lancy, a spa town. The early morning view from my b&b window of 'Les Thermes', the baths. There were two 'curistes' - people taking a cure - at breakfast.

The town has a nice little medieval centre as well, which was filled last night with people listening to music of all types - a FĂȘtĂ© de la Musique was in progress. The pizzeria (is the pizza taking over France?) got the blues. Down near my b&b we got music more suited to the curistes.. Here is the view looking back at the town as I left. 

The GR quickly entered a very welcome wood on what was a hot morning. 

The penny finally dropped today on why there are so many of these at the moment - indeed the only breed of cow in evidence. 

Charolais are named after Charolles, a town not far to the east in this part of Burgundy. The day also produced another example of tasteful railings on small bridges on country roads. 

And, at Saligny-sur-Roudon, the first war memorial I have seen with a cockerel and a neat little chateau, still a private home. 

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